The Montgomery County Sheriff's Office is a 24-hour full-service law enforcement agency. Although our deputies patrol our roadways around the clock our office staff are in from 8:30 am until 4:00 pm Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
The services listed below are offered to the citizens above and beyond normal law enforcement duties. If you have any questions about the services offered, please contact our office.
Process Service
The process division is responsible for coordinating the timely service of a multitude of court-related documents.
Civil Process Service

Vehicle Inspections
State law requires all vehicles purchased outside of Kentucky to be inspected for safety by the sheriff's office in the county they live. If you have purchased a vehicle out of state and live in Montgomery County, please contact the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office to schedule an inspection for that vehicle.
$5.00 (if brought to the office)
$15.00 (if Deputy responds to your location)
All vehicles to be inspected must be of "roadworthy" condition. Per KRS 189, it is required that every motor vehicle, when in use on a highway, be in running condition and be equipped with the following:
- Front lights and Flashing lights
- Brakes and brake lights
- Horns and other sound devices
- Steering device that is in good working condition
- Seat belts
- Mirrors
- Good functioning muffler(s)
Collision/Offense Reports
Collision reports are provided only to the parties involved in the collision, and/or to the insurance companies acting on the parties' behalf. Collision reports are no longer considered "open records" and will not be released to third parties not related to the collision.
In lieu of providing an offense report, victims will be given a theft/loss report, that will outline the specifics of the offense and list any and all property that was damaged or stolen, etc.
There is a $2.00 charge for all copies. Insurance companies requesting a copy of reports must include a self-addressed stamped envelope and the $2.00 fee.
Send Request To:
Montgomery County Sheriff's Office
1 Court Street Suite 4
Mount Sterling, Kentucky 40353
The MCSO has a dedicated investigations unit which is tasked with the investigations of all Part 1 offences, Accident Reconstruction and Narcotics Investigations. 4.
Citizen Police Academy
The Montgomery County Sheriff's Office believes that educating the community will result in gaining their understanding and support. Through implementation of the Citizen Police Academy, citizens gain new insights into how law enforcement officers perform their duties, as well as how the Sheriff's Office serves the community. The success of any law enforcement agency depends largely upon the amount of cooperation and support it receives from the citizens it serves.